Seminars and Lectures
We conduct a series of Minerva Seminars. The seminars are intended to fasten cooperation between Minerva members in the two sites and to lead to more collaborative projects. Minerva Lectures are also open to the academic community in both the University of Haifa and the Technion.
A list of Minerva Seminars conducted on 2011-2012 with links to their abstracts:
Dr. Sabina Kleitman
The model of Self-confidence and its calibration through the eyes of the individual differences approach:
Their generality and their role in learning and decision-making
Dr. Shira Elqayam
Inferring normative values from descriptive premises
Prof. Albert F. Smith
Insufficiency of a letter route for word identification
Dr. Assaf Botzer
Strategic behavior, single decisions and user effort when using binary cues
Prof. Michael Kubovy
Audio-visual objects
Prof. Marlene Behrmann
Complementary neural representations for faces and words
Prof. Sarah Berger
Cognition in motion: Decision-making in infants' adaptive locomotion
A list of Minerva Seminars conducted on 2000-2003 with links to their abstracts:
Dr. Andrea Kiesel
Parallel activity of task sets - evidence from subliminal priming in task switching
Dr. Nira Liberman
Construal level theory: Implications for construal, prediction and evaluation
Dr. Dominique Lamy
The role of bottom-up in attentional capture
Prof. Albert “Skip” Rizzo
Virtual reality application to psychology
Prof. Endel Tulving
Episodic memory: In what sense is it unique?
Dr. Nachshon Mieran, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva,Israel
A modeling framework for identifying global strategies in switching between speeded classification tasks
Prof. David C. Plaut, Carnegie-Mellon University
How important is starting small in language acquisition?
Dr. Marlene Behrmann, Carnegie-Mellon University
Perceptual organization in visual agnosia
Prof. Endel Tulving, University of Toronto and Rotman Institute
Episodic Memory: Historical Perspective
Prof. Andries F. Sanders, Vrije Universiteit at Amsterdam
Modeling results on short-term memory
Prof. Wolfgang Schneider, University of Würzburg
Memory development: Traditional positions and recent trend
Prof. Aaron Ben-Zeev, University of Haifa
Feeling and logic: What is the human intelligence?
A list of Minerva Seminars conducted on 1998-1999 with links to their abstracts:
Prof. Gideon Keren, Eindhoven University of Technology
When is p= .90 Preferred to p= .70? A dispositional-potency approach to lay interpretations of probability statements
Prof. Michael Kubovy, University of Virginia
On the lawfulness of grouping by proximity
Dr. Rachel Barkan, Indiana University
Decreasing risk-taking: The reinforcement value of non-payoff information in accident preventing tasks
Prof. Ronald Fisher, Florida International University
Viewing conditions and metacognitive judgments as predictors of accuracy of eyewitness memory
Prof. Gordon Winocur, Rotman Research Institute
The neuropsychology of memory: A comparative approach
Prof. Fritz Strack, University of Würzburg
The regulation of human judgment – preconditions, strategies, and bases of knowledge
Prof. Ruthi Kimchi, Haifa University
Perceptual organization of visual objects: A microgenetic analysis.
Prof. Ido Erev, Technion
The value of cognitive game theoretic analysis of choice behavior
Prof. Christina Meinecke, Max Planck Institute, Munich
Texture segmentation and the effect of retinal eccentricity
Prof. Tom Wallsten, University of North Carolina
Cognitive models of judgment and their implications to optimal combination of N judgments.
Prof. Roger Remington, NASA-Ames
The effects of free flight on the detection of traffic errors by controllers