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Presentations from the meeting


University of Haifa

Dr. Meni Yeari   
The hierarchical navigation of visual attention: Organizational and spatial aspects of focusing and orienting

Orit Baruch
Role of attention in object recognition: An interactive iterative framework

Prof. Asher Koriat
Data-driven and goal-driven processes underlying metacognitive judgments [based on the following chapter]

Dr. Pe’erly Setter
(Introduction: Prof. Joel Norman)

A method for alleviating stereoscopic display fatigue 

Hadas Marciano
Developing a visual transparency tool for improving internet navigation

Visit in Labs and Scientists‘ Presentations:
Dr, Yaffa Yeshurun
Prof. Ruth Kimchi [based on the following chapters]
Dr. Morris Goldsmith [based on the following chapters]


Prof. Daniel Gopher
Training executive control in old adults

Dr. Maria Korman
Perception of stiffness: Discrimination ability and possibilities of its enhancement

Dr. Eldad Yechiam
An integrated model for the effect of losses [based on the following papers]

Guy Hochman
Asymmetric effects of losses on the brain but no loss-aversion

Prof. Ido Erev
Beyond counter-examples

Kinneret Weiss
On the decision to explore