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Presentations from the meeting


University of Haifa


Prof. Asher Koriat and Shiri Adiv-Mashinsky
Confidence and consensus: A theory and some remote implications

Prof. Ruth Kimchi and Einat Rashal
Perceptual organization and visual attention

Dr. Yaffa Yeshurun and Shira Tkacz Domb
Crowding across time

 Rita Soloveichick
Trees before forest?  Involvement of low level structures in local processing

Dr. Pe'erly Setter and Dr. Hadas Marciano
The influence of advertising billboards on the attention allocation of drivers:  The effect of design parameters


Michael Sobolev
The overuse of verbal punishments

Efrat Aharonov-Majar
Imitation of bad examples

Manal Hreib
Vandalism, gentle rule enforcement, and video cameras

Yefim Roth
On the decision to check

Ofir Yaakoby, Taly Bonder, and Itai Rosenvasser
Information processing, attention and training with tDCS intervention